Amy Porterfield is an entrepreneur, New York Times Bestseller, and host of the top-ranked podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy. She provides step-by-step guides for online entrepreneurs to create momentum in their business with her podcast, webinars, and online courses.
How does Amy Porterfield make money?
Amy Porterfield makes money through her online marketing company which focuses on online marketing courses, including List Builders Society and Digital Course Academy.
She’s also an affiliate for other brands that she loves, and her book Two Weeks Notice: Find the Courage to Quit Your Job, Make More Money, Work Where You Want, and Change the World is a NY Times Best Seller.
Her Free Trainings and Webinars
If you’d like to see if Amy’s teaching style is for you, check out these free trainings!
- LIVE MASTERCLASS in September 2023 – Your Low Stress, Start To Finish Digital Course Launch (In 5 Streamlined Steps 🙌)
- 2-Minute Quiz to Reveal If You’re Already Sitting On Serious Digital Course Potential
- Free Guide: Surprisingly Simple Ways To Turn Your Knowledge Into A Digital Course
- Free Guide: 3 Steps To Unlock Your Digital Course Idea Using AI
- Free Masterclass: 5 Steps to Creating an Engaged Email List
Join the FREE masterclass for a limited time to learn how digital course topic, type, price, and GROW your audience!
What email platform does Amy Porterfield use?
She uses Convertkit for her email platform service.
What are Amy Porterfield’s courses?
Amy Porterfield currently offers two online marketing courses: List Builders Society and Digital Course Academy.
List Builders Society focuses on helping entrepreneurs reach their ideal clients, grow their email list, and generate revenue. You can grab our full List Builders Society review here.
Digital Course Academy helps entrepreneurs create and launch a complete online course. This helps them generate more revenue and free up their schedule compared to 1-on-1 work. Grab our Digital Course Academy review to learn more.
How much does Amy Porterfield’s DCA Cost?
Enrollment into Digital Course Academy is $1,997 if you pay in full or $2,322 with the payment plan of $397 per month for 6 months. There is a 2-week return policy in place as well if it’s not a good fit. The course walks you through how to create and launch a digital course.
Does she help you know what to do a course on?
Yes, the first module of Digital Course Academy helps you focus in on what your course should be on, and she also helps you see if it’s a good potential income stream.
Sign up here for first access or learn more about the course.
How Do I Buy The Digital Course Academy?
Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy opens enrollment just once a year — usually in September.
Get on the Waitlist
How much is Amy Porterfield’s momentum?
Amy’s membership is open to only those that have gone through Digital Course Academy. It’s $97/month.
Did Amy Porterfield work for Tony Robbins?
Yes, Amy Porterfield was the director of content development for Tony Robbins’ company in 2009.
Where Is Amy Porterfield Based?
Amy Porterfield is currently based in Nashville, Tennessee. She was born in Southern California, attended UC Santa Barbara, and lived in Carlsbad, CA before moving to Nashville.
How old is Amy Porterfield?
Amy Porterfield is was born in 1977. She’s currently 46 years old.
Who is Amy Porterfield’s husband?
Hobie Porterfield is my Amy’s husband. He’s been on her podcast a few times:
- Episode 161: Love & Business: How to Make it Work
- Episode 270: Transcript: Behind the Scenes with My Better Half, with Hobie Porterfield
- Episode 407: Now & Then In Marriage And Business
Is Amy Porterfield a mom?
Amy is a stepmom to her son, Cade Porterfield. He was 4 years old when she married her husband, Hobie.
Did Amy Porterfield lose weight?
Yes, Amy’s been open about her weight loss journey since 2017. Check out episode 179 and episode 239 for more on her weight loss journey.