Professional bios, social media profiles, and about pages can be pretty dry. On of the best ways to stand out is to include fun facts about me (you) in yours! Below are 25+ different ideas, prompts, and questions to help you create an entertaining biography to break the ice and impress your colleagues or readers!
Whether you’re trying to create a professional bio, a short bio for a job interview, or just break the ice on a first date, interesting facts about yourself can go along way on setting a great first impression.
Little things about yourself can show another person what is important to you and also help you relate to them on a personal level.
Examples of Interesting & Fun Facts
- Bucket list items
- Your favorite book
- How many siblings you have
- Your favorite food
- Do you have any pets?
- Your favorite television show
- Have you ever met a celebrity?
- Your favorite hobby
- Have you ever had any broken bones?
- What was your first job or first work experience?
- What was your first concert?
- Your favorite childhood memory
- Your childhood nickname
- First car
- What’s the best place to go eat?
- Some of your favorite things about your work/job
- Your favorite city
- What you like on your pizza?
- Your coffee order
- Where did you grow up?
- Where would you love to visit?
- Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
- Who is your favorite sports team?
- What did you think you’d do as a career when you were in elementary school?
- Do you collect anything?
And if you’re looking to connect on more personal level, like a first date or filling in a dating profile, you could also mix in personal interests and a few more personal facts like your favorite alcoholic drink of choice, or what do you like to do in your free time.
Below I’ll share some random facts and interesting things about me to help you get inspired to share more about yourself!
Here are a few ideas to get you going!! Try to place them within your bio, about page, or even if you’re speaking at a live event, share them within your presentation.
You might think these fun facts may be silly and who on earth would want to know these crazy things about you, but fun facts about you make you relatable, as well as, offer humor to the bio or presentation.
Your First Car is Always a Great Fun Fact About Me to Start With
1. My first car was a ’77 Camaro that was gray and primer in color. Red interior. There was a spring in the driver’s side seat that had poked through, and I just knew would leave a permanent scar from me getting in and out.
2. I helped put the transmission and engine in my ’77 Camaro. I’ve bled I don’t know how many sets of breaks, but I really know nothing about cars other than to keep them maintained. #sorrydaddy
Your Guilty Pleasure is always interesting…
3. I love to sing Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield while in the car. I’ll do the guitar part, and Kalee will hit the drums for me.
4. I LOVE NY Pie’s pizza. I do pepperoni, bacon, and jalapeƱos, plus they have this amazing homemade ranch for the bones (aka crust) of the pizza!!
5. When it comes to singing, I tend to make up words and think that’s the lyric.
- John Mayer’s “I am still your man.” For me is “I am still a man” which Kalee finds hysterical and bets John is glad that he still finds himself a man.
- Kenny Chesney’s American Kids…the lyric dealing with “little pink houses” for me “little bitty houses.”
- Judas Priest’s, “Breaking the Law” for me is “Walking the dog” (I was referring to walking Izzie at the time and couldn’t remember the correct lyrics.
Hey, I say just roll with it. The best is when I mix two songs into one. I’ll do this often with two Britney Spears songs.
6. I love cupcakes and Nothing Bundt Cake!!
7. I have watched every episode of Friends, Friday Night Lights, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, Breaking Bad, Dexter, and Sopranos.
8. I have a crush on Vince Vaughn, Dwayne Johnson, Rick Castle (Nathan Fillion)…yes I know he’s a character, but he’s really cute, Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler)…yes another character, but I just love him. Don’t make me pick between them.
9. Aside of NY Pie pizza, I love hamburgers, sushi, & pasta. Yes, I do eat healthy, but these are some of my treats.
10. I love going to wine festivals and food tastings.
Childhood memories are always Fun Facts About Me to share
7. I was so insecure in 7th grade that to fit in I thought I had to wear Jordache everything!!
It backfired. I had so much Jordache that I became known as the Jordache girl…not in a good way. #embarrassing
9. I witched for water when I was about 10. “Well witching” is what they call it. I was a pre-teen when I successfully found water. It scared me enough that I’ve not tried it again. Some say it’s a gift. I find it spooky. My grandfather, the 7th son, could do weird stuff like that. I just so happen to be the 7th granddaughter on his side, too.
10. When I was 14, I bottle fed a calf until she was up old enough to go on her own, but I’m not your country girl.
What’s on your bucket list is another great item to share about yourself.
11. I have been to Greece. Kalee & I went as her graduation present.
12. I want to go to Bora Bora #bucketlist
What were you known for in school, high school, or college?
13. I was on the high school dance team…LOL!! It must’ve been a pity vote for me now that I look back at it and my current ability to dance.
14. I turn red SUPER EASY, so this was always a fun thing for a shy girl all through school.
Another Fun Fact About Me that people find interesting…PETS!!
Share About Yours!! People will relate!
15. I am definitely a dog person. I love dogs, but I will only have one at a time because I don’t know if I could make sure more than one received all the attention that she’d need.
16. I have a dog, Izzie. Due to some knee issues, I’ve started to cook for Izzie which she absolutely ADORES!!! It is truly disgusting though!! It consists of chicken livers, gizzards and hearts (gag).
Share some of your hidden talents or odd things about you…
17. I am a pretty good shot with a pistol.
18. I have green eyes which they say it’s rare? Most green eyes are actually hazel, but I actually have green eyes according to the eye doc.
19. I worked years ago in my dad and brother’s tire store every Monday for over a year. I could stack tires with the best of them!
20. I will occasionally do a head stand. Scares Kalee to death.
21. I like the room completely dark with white noise for sleep.
22. I can curl my tongue and flare my nostrils. #talent
23. I have “heard” God speak to me in very distinct ways. No…not a voice…but I definitely know it was Him talking to me at the time.
24. I prefer socks versus bare feet.
25. Summer or Winter…you’ll find me in sweats & hoodie when I’m home.
26. I like ketchup on my mac-n-cheese.
27. I can’t stand fish (gag). I will however eat tuna from a can and shellfish like shrimp, crab, & lobster.
28. I am a huge Harry Potter dork!! I love Harry Potter World!!
Share About Your Accomplishments
29. I started a business with Kalee. We are CEO’s of our company The Girls, LLC where we are bloggers for two blogs and this one, and where we are also online fitness accountability coaches through Team Beachbody.
Reveal the Most Unusual Item in your purse or desk…
30. I don’t know if it’s unusual, but I have chapstick everywhere!!! I have a tube in my desk, purse, car, nightstand, kitchen drawer, coat pocket….You get the idea. I’m slightly addicted to it. The other weird thing in my purse is a pair of socks. You never know when you’ll need a pair.
Other great “Fun Facts About Me” that you can share in your bio:
Favorite Sports Team, Favorite Color, Best Friend, Family…
31. I like pink and tiffany blue.
32. My favorite team is the New England Patriots.
33. I have one child, Kalee, and she’s my best friend.
34. I have a grandpup, Roxy.
Last One to get you going on making your own list…
What have you learned from a life changing moment or a big mistake?
35. For me, a life-changing moment…well, I’ve had several, but recently I would say it was my divorced after 28 years of being married. I’ve learned that I am way stronger than I realized. My purpose isn’t to make someone else happy. My purpose is to seek God’s purpose for me in order to bring glory to His name.
I’ve learned I’m loved, and I am strong.
I hope this list has entertained & helped you to think of a few of your own.
Try scattering some of these Fun Facts About Me (except about you of course, lol) throughout your bio or “about me” page. It just makes things more fun.
A Twist to Fun Facts About Me approach…the NOT So Fun Facts About Me List…
Not So Fun Facts About Me
Pet Peeves are always Fun Facts about you to share.
1. I can’t stand when people – especially news anchors because it’s their job for heaven’s sake – misuse the word “I”…example: “This is a photo of Kalee & I” WRONG. I’m learning to let it go, but that’s a hard one. I cringe when I hear it, yet as you can see I don’t worry about using correct grammar in general.
2. I don’t like fat shaming or bullying. With that said, I don’t think it’s cool when someone huffs if I want to lose 5 pounds that the doctor said is perfectly fine if I lose. I think we all need to support one another.
Weird Things About Yourself That You Might Just Have In Common with Others
4. I don’t have a colon. I have (or maybe it’s “had” since I no longer have a colon?) ulcerative colitis. They couldn’t get it in remission for over a year back when I was 21, so at 22, I had my colon removed and an awesome “j” pouch created from my small intestine.
5. Due to the above, I pretty much know where all the clean restrooms are, lol. Yes, I’m “normal” but still with a shorter GI track, it’s nice to know where the restrooms are just in case. #TMI?
6. When I get nervous, I get quieter. When I get angry, I get monotone.
Your not so greatest achievements…
7. I can cook well enough. I have those meals & desserts I do well. Then I do some others that are just something to eat, lol, but even while I can cook well enough, I don’t do it very often especially now that I’m single.
When I was first single I would cook for myself thinking it would last me a week. Well…I have no self-control. I would eat too much of whatever I had cooked. If it was a pan of lasagna, for example, that would last anyone a good week, it would last me MAYBE 3 days.
So I just don’t tempt myself any more. I don’t cook but will do a meal delivery like Nutrisystem, Trifecta, or Veestro.
8. I’m not too adventuresome. I’m not planning to sky dive, bungeeing jump, white water raft, or drive extremely fast. However, I do like to try new foods though and travel to new places.
OK…I can’t really think of anything else. However, I am positive there are plenty more of the not-so-great facts about me, but why dwell on those when I’m so awesome, hee hee. (Yes, I’m a dork, too.)
Did you learn anything interesting? What else would you like to know about us?
We hope these ideas helped inspire you to include some fun details the next time you are in a new social situation or writing up your Linkedin profile!