We stumbled onto Darren Hardy’s Compound Effect in 2012, and it changed our habits profoundly. Now, we’ve completed several of his success mentorships and trainings, and we’re about to share our favorite resources to help you live your best life ever!
Since we’ve been students of his for years, we were recently asked to be on his influencer team as well. So below you’ll find our honest review of the books and trainings we’ve done, as well as, our partner links.
Who is Darren Hardy?
Darren Hardy is our success mentor and our go-to personal development leader. We love his straight-forward approach to motivation and business development, and his track record in business is amazing.
Get this:
He began making 6-figures at 18 and by 24 he was making multiple million dollars each year!

If you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, and how-to guides to living your best life – Darren is a great mix of old school grit and success strategist for anyone aiming to be a high-achiever.
If you’re not familiar with his books or trainings, check out his daily video series called Darren Daily. It’s free and offers a ton of motivation and productivity hacks!
Our Favorite Darren Hardy Quotes
- It’s not what you learn or what you know; it’s what you do with what you know and learn.
- Doubt and fear steal more dreams than failure does.
- Everything you need to be great is already inside you. Stop waiting for someone or something to light your fire. You have the match.
- What controls your attention, controls your life.
- Your main competitors are not others in your industry. Your main competitors are distractions. Don’t let them beat you – stay focused.
- Never ask advice of someone with whom you wouldn’t want to trade places.
- Motivation without action, leads to self-delusion.
- Broke people talk about people and problems. Rich people talk about ideas and goals. Your conversation chooses your destiny.
- Hang out with those who have a common future, not a common past.
- You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
- Life begins outside the edge of your comfort zone.
- The thought, ‘I can’t’ is a lie. We use it to excuse ourselves from trying. Productivity isn’t magic. It’s discipline.
Why We Chose Him to Be Our Success Mentor
With so many “life coaches” and “girl bosses” out there, we are pretty skeptical about who really knows their stuff. Now more than ever before, it’s easy to consume information, start a business, and regurgitate that information as your own.
We wanted to choose someone that we knew was 10 steps ahead of us in his or her success.
This guy has been in different industries, interviewed 100s of successful people, and was a self made millionaire by 24. He’s now in his 40s, and he’s still hungry to learn more. That is the type of consistency and passion we want to learn from.
It was also important to us to find someone our personality jived with.
We’re not the people who love to dance at a conference or high-five our neighbors. We just want the information, so we can apply it and be in our jammies by 10.
He works with top leaders in the social media and online marketing field.
We really love what Gary Vee and Marie Forleo have done, and Darren has worked with them along with dozens of other top leaders in online marketing.
We also loved that Darren was mentored by Jim Rohn.
Jim Rohn is one of our other favorite personal development coaches. We listen to his Art of Exceptional Living every year!
The last reason we chose Darren was because of his heart.
He offers free resources every single day through Darren Daily and has this deep mission to help other entrepreneurs. He also is always learning and growing which means, he’ll always be leading from the front!
We started blogging as a side hustle when we started reading and listening to his trainings, and it’s helped us continue to grow ever sense!
Who will like Darren’s Books & Trainings?
- Anyone looking to make lasting changes in their habits
- Men and women wanting to achieve more without sacrificing their sanity
- Entrepreneurs at any level of their business
How old is Darren Hardy?
Darren was born in 1971. So as of 2019, he’s 48 years old.
Darren Hardy Books
One of the things we love about Darren Hardy’s books is that he gives you action steps in each one. We usually just listen to books on Audible, but with these 3, we recommend having a paper copy you can write in!
The Compound Effect
As mentioned above, we started with The Compound Effect. This book is perfect for anyone – entrepreneur or not!
The Compound Effect focuses on small changes you can make each day to kickstart your income, healthy habits, and success.

These little changes completely changed our lives over the past 7 years.
You may also like our habit tracker guide!
Grab a Copy of The Compound Effect
Entrepreneur Roller Coaster
If you are an entrepreneur, or you’ve been dreaming up a business in your mind but don’t know where to start, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster is a great one as well!
You may also like 10 Secrets on How to Make Money Online | Start Earning Cash
Living Your Best Year Ever
He also has Living Your Best Year Ever which is an audio program and journal program we completed. If you’re new to goal setting or need clarity on what you want to achieve. This training is awesome!

Darren Hardy Workshops
After implementing pieces from The Compound Effect and The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, we saw a major change in our business! So we decided to invest in Darren’s online training workshops.
You can also always start with his free Darren Daily videos! They are about 5-10 minutes long and have a theme each day to help you get started right!

Darren Hardy’s Insane Productivity
This was our first Darren workshop we bought! We needed help getting clear on our goals and help focusing on the vital few things we needed to do in our business.
It not only helped us achieve more, but it helped us set boundaries which we both (really) needed.
This program could be right for you if you need help:
- On Your Mindset
- Getting MAX Results
- Gaining an “Unfair” Success Leverage
- Not Burning Yourself Out
- Gaining More Focus and Mental Clarity.
10x Your Productive Results
Learn More About Insane Productivity
Darren Hardy’s Entrepreneur Roller Coaster Fast Pass
This is the latest training we’ve been doing. If you struggle with motivation, sales and marketing, recruiting, leadership, or productivity – please, try this program! It comes with a money-back guarantee, and it’s so helpful if you apply it.
The 12-week course is broken down into 30-80 minute modules with worksheets to apply what you learn. We’ve been spending about half the time working on applying the knowledge we learned, and that to us is so valuable. Who cares if you hear something if you don’t apply it?! This training really feels like a college course in entrepreneurship.
This program could be right for you if, you want to:
- Multiply Profits
- Find Ways to Create Predictable Sales
- Improve Sales & Marketing
- Hire the A-Level Talent
- Create Customer Loyalty
- Become a Stronger, Persuasive Leader
Learn More About Entrepreneur Roller Coaster Fast Pass
All of Darren’s trainings include a money-back guarantee as well.
We’re actually about to go to his High Performance Forum in September!! We are so excited, and it’s the most we’ve ever paid for an event.
Only 100 people get to go, and we’re 100% sure we’ll be the dumbest people in the room! Which is a great thing – because it means we’re going to learn a lot!
Hellow fellow Darren Hardy fans.
I’m a member of IP as well, it’s great to hear about your progress with Darren’s programs.
I have a question about the picture he had with Marie Forleo.
It seems he did an interview with her that I want to watch, but it’s not online for some reason. Would you know where you got the picture from?
Hey George! We aren’t sure either, but you can always reach out to his A-Team to see if they have a recording of it. We aren’t sure if this photo was from an interview or just a networking event. Sorry to not be more help, but it’s great to meet another Darren fan!