Today’s choices make a difference in your future! Craft a bright vision for yourself with future self journaling, it can help you meet your goals and increase self awareness. We created a future self journaling template to get you started!
What is future self journaling?

How to do future self journaling
In its simplest form, you begin by writing down what you hope your future holds, what you want your future self to experience, and ways you can make those things happen.
Journaling should never be complicated or fussy, or you’ll be less likely to do it. Keep your journal real and flexible: don’t put too much pressure on yourself to write a ton into your journal at first.
Even if you can’t think of anything to write about your future dreams or goals, just start by writing a sentence or 2 about how your day went or things you’re grateful for (always a good place to start!).
Once you start to jot a few things down, your creative juices will start to flow and pretty soon you’ll start writing more. Creating that daily habit of journaling will make it even easier to do your future self journaling each day!
We love to journal as part of our morning routine to set our intention for the day.
Benefits of future self journaling
Journaling in general has been shown to provide so many mental and physical health benefits. Over the past few years since journaling has become more popular, psychologists have done studies to pinpoint in what ways journaling really helps us.
It’s been shown that reflective journaling can improve your work, your mental health, and self-monitoring can also help with weight loss.
Here are some of the benefits of future self journaling (and reflective journaling) that can help improve your life today and tomorrow:
Delayed gratification
If you have clearly defined goals for your future, you are more likely to skip immediate self gratification in exchange for delayed gratification with longer lasting benefits. For example: not buying an expensive purse so you can work toward being debt free.
Increased self awareness
When you journal, you become more aware of how your choices today affect your life tomorrow.
Better decision making
Because your self awareness is increased, you’re more likely to make better life choices when you continually remind yourself that your choices today impact your future tomorrow. When you’re conscientious about your choices, you are more likely to make healthier choices.
Reduced stress
When you engage in future self journaling, you’re able to write down your goals and how you want to achieve your goals. Creating a plan like this helps to reduce stress!
Problem solving
Journaling (whether reflective journaling or future self journaling) can help us with problem solving. Writing down issues can often show us new ways to address those issues.
Writing your thoughts down helps you to clarify your thoughts and feelings on different things and can often help to bring resolution to past mistakes.
Anticipation and excitement for the future
Writing down your dreams and aspirations for the future helps us to see the future in a positive light and reminds us that we have good things to look forward to!
Grab our free journaling template here!
Tips for successful future self journaling
If you love the idea of future self journaling and want to jump in, here are a few tips to get you started in creating a habit of journaling.
Remember: there is no right or wrong way to do this! The only “wrong” way to journal is not to do it at all.
Start with gratitude
List the things you’re grateful for each day and what you hope to be grateful for in the future.
List habits that you’d like to change (and focus on only one at a time!)
Journal about where you are right now where you’d like to be in the future and how changing those habits can help move you to the place you’d like to be in the future.
List your goals
Write down your future goals, both long term goals and short term goals, and specific steps you can take today to meet those goals.
Focus on things you can control
Don’t focus too much on things you can’t control, and try to focus your journaling on things that you can actually change in your life.
Try to journal daily
Set a schedule for yourself to create a daily journaling habit, but don’t beat yourself up about missed days.
Don’t expect huge breakthroughs or massive shifts in your life
Creating a future self journal is more about creating self awareness and improving life choices, so you’ll notice benefits but they’ll likely not be massive groundbreaking changes. And that’s okay!
Create a template
If you’re having a hard time finding what to write, create a template to follow to make journaling a bit easier.
Grab our free journaling template here!
Include flexibility in your future self journal
Remember that not everything can be planned, and life has unexpected twists and turns. Include in your journal how you’ll respond when things go wrong and find ways to include how you’ll respond when some fo your goals aren’t met.
Future self journaling template

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Grab our free journaling template here!
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