Having a Sunday night planning system helps us focus on our big goals, as well as, allows us to prioritize what’s most important to us! The best part? You can have your whole week planned out in just about 15 minutes!
Using this weekly planning practice is a great way to move towards your bigger goals and vision for your life. Using this weekly planner also frees up your mind and allows you to stop focusing on “should’s,” “could’s,” and comparisons.
Instead, you’ll have a game plan for each week that moves you closer to your goals.
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Is Sunday planning the same as using a daily planner?
No, the Sunday planning session is more strategic and can help you prioritize your tasks for a daily planner.
Why should you use the Sunday System?
Our Sunday Planning Printable helps you get super clear on what you want. Once you have your target in mind, you can focus in on what’s important and tackle the tasks that move you towards your goals easily.
The amount of peace you’ll feel from getting crystal clear on your goals and streamlining your to-do list is out of this world.
With just 15-minutes each week, you’ll teach yourself discipline and be able to find that laser focus you’ve been missing.
Not only will the Weekly Planning System help you organize your week, but it can also help you optimize your productivity and happiness!
Why It Works
Our Sunday Planning Printable guides you through a few questions to help you identify your priorities, goals, and daily tasks. It also helps you proactively take care of distractions and possible time-sucking circumstances.
Whether you want to grow your income, lose weight, spend more time with your family, or make a larger impact on the world — taking 15 minutes to plan on Sunday can be the secret sauce you’re missing!
Sunday Planning Tips
This practice only takes about 15 minutes. So it’s important to give it 100% of your attention. We also like to look over last week’s Sunday Planner to see how well we did before filling out the new week’s planner.
How do I plan a week ahead?
On Sunday, we complete the 15-minute weekly planner with our biggest goals and tasks.
Then, we take an additional 15 minutes to look over our calendar and plan out when we’ll work on those tasks, as well as, any appointments, workouts, downtime, and sleep.
This allows us to focus in on what is most important and honor our goals throughout the week. Plus, it keeps us from agonizing over choices or over extending ourselves because we have a plan we commit to each Sunday evening.
Get our 15-Minute Weekly Planner PDF
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Is it really that simple?
Our Sunday Planner is super simple. It’s just 3 pages long, and it only takes about 15 minutes to fill out. With that said, it’s easy to do and easy not to do.
Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it isn’t effective though. This one practice helps you see your biggest goals and tasks you need to accomplish. Plus, it helps you prepare for the distractions and temptations that often get us off track.
So yes, it’s really that simple. Fifteen Minutes a week can change the other 10065 minutes in your week!
A Real Example of a Goal
If your goal was weight loss you’d want to meal prep for the week and plan your workouts.
You’d also want to avoid skipping lunch and hitting Happy Hour after work a few times a week.
This seems simple, but writing out your intentions helps you follow through all week long.
Get Our Favorite Weekly Planning System
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What should I do on a Sunday night?
1. Print the Sunday Planning System
We highly recommend using the Sunday Planning System if you’re setting goals for yourself. This tool allows us to set our big goals and our weekly goals.
In addition to this, we like to use a Smart Planner or some sort of weekly planner broken down by hours. We offer our digital weekly planner, as well as, a printable option.

Grab this weekly planner here.
2. Look Over Your Calendar
Once you have your goals outlined, it’s time to plan out your week. We like to use a planner like the one below, and we also use our phone’s calendar to schedule future appointments.
Each week, we’ll transfer any appointments we have, as well as, list out the biggest tasks that move us towards our goal and our off-hours with our family.
3. Time Block
Time blocking is our favorite time management hack of all time. This is where you look at your daily calendar and block off 60-90 minutes of uninterrupted time to work on a task.
During these 90 minutes, you are completely focused — no bathroom breaks, phone is in airplane mode, and no one is allowed to knock on your door. After that block, you get 20-30 minutes to re-energize and tackle anything else. Then, you do another time block.
We like to get in 3 time blocks a day, but even one block per day can boost your productivity and improve your focus.
Learn More About Time Blocking
4. Make Good Habits Easy
With any goal or habit you’re trying to make, you want to make it easy to follow through. Each Sunday we like to set ourselves up for success.
Following the weight loss goal example, you’d want to make sure it’s easy to eat right and workout.
So you may stock your house full of healthy foods and vegetables and keep junk food out of the house. Another idea would be to put your workout clothes at the end of the bed so that when you wake up, you can throw them on and get to work!
5. Focus on Your Priorities
As you outline your weekly plan in your planner, you should also make sure you’ve scheduled time for the things most important to you like your faith, health, family, friends, sleep, and goals.
We recently did a podcast on priorities and the Wheel of Life you may enjoy!
Grab Our 15-Minute Weekly Planner for Sunday
How do you plan your day and stick to it?
Now that you have planned out your week, you need to stick to your intentions!
Give yourself time to plan every Sunday.
Put your appointments and to-do’s into your calendar.
Time block your time to get these tasks done.
Don’t forget schedule in time to rest.
Leave some wiggle room in case things run long (15 minutes works well for us).
Review your calendar twice daily – 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening.
Keep at it — remind yourself WHY you’re doing this!
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What are other things successful people do on Sunday?
Along with planning out their week, successful people also will do these things on Sunday:
- meal prep
- clean up the house
- spend time with family and friends
- relax and enjoy time off
- unplug from social media and their inbox
- volunteer
- reflect on the past week’s wins and losses
- budget for the next week
Grab Our 15-Minute Weekly Planner for Sunday
3 More Tips to Maximize Your Productivity This Week
We’ve given you a ton of ideas and tips to help you create your own Sunday planning system.
But here are 3 more tips to maximize your productivity this week:
- Work from your calendar to prevent distractions (inbox, calls, etc)
- Follow your plan even when you don’t feel like it
- Schedule the most dreaded tasks for Monday to get them over and done with!
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Get More Done with Our Sunday Night Planning Printable
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