Tamilee Webb’s no-nonsense approach to health and fitness has made her one of the best sellers of all times! We recently sat down with the top fitness instructor to talk about how she’s helped women look and feel their best over the past 3 decades!
On the podcast episode, we talked about being fit, healthy, and beautiful at any ageโeven after 40. We focus on mindset, nutrition, fitness, and how your body changes when you age. If youโre wondering why your workouts arenโt working the same way in your 40s as they did in your 20s then you donโt want to miss this! Tamilee shares her personal experiences along with some memorable tips!
Tamilee is the creator of Buns of Steel and numerous other workout videos that you can stream right at home. Now, she is taking it to a whole new level by offering one-on-one coaching, consulting, and custom exercise plans!
One of the biggest takeaways from our talk is Tamileeโs biggest piece of advice:
Honor your body at each age or age generation.
How old is Tamilee Web?
Tamilee Webb is in her 60s. She was born September 28, 1958.
What Happened to Tamilee Webb?
Fitness guru Tamilee Webb began her fitness career in the late 1980s with her popular Buns of Steel series. Nearly 40 years later, she’s still helping women get tighter assets through her company, T.L. Webb International! She’s recently published an e-book, Ageless Through the Decades, and offers her iconic Buns of Steel videos, as well as, additional quick toning series, to stream!
Here are a few fun moments from Episode 35:
Tamilee discusses her new e-book, releasing soon, titled, Ageless Through the Decades.
As we get older, we need to change. We need to get a new attitude, give ourselves some grace, and remember not everyone can do everything.
Itโs important to learn you need to go at your own pace, and it is okay to modify your workouts.
Remember you always want to take care of your health, but taking care of your health is not just your physical body. It also includes your mental body, too.
Tamilee shares how to get a free 15-minute consultation with her. Take advantage of this!
โWhen it comes down to it, your health is wealth. You must have that.โ – Tamilee Webb
Below is a transcript of the podcast episode with us and Tamilee Webb.
You can also watch the interview with Tamilee Webb here!
US: You’re such a testament that you can be fit and healthy and beautiful at any age. Has your mindset, nutrition, or fitness changed over the years?
TAMILEE WEBB: All the above. So, as we age, we you know, we change. Our body changes. Our cells are always dying and new cells are always created so we never remain the same.
In our 20’s, ….Oh, wow….we have a different mindset, like there’s nothing that we can’t do. We’re just, you know, we’ll do anything. But, you know, as the decades go by, you start to be a little bit more conservative in your thinking you’re not so bold, you see your body change. And I think that was one of the things that I noticed first was in my 40s
It was all of a sudden, it’s like, my workouts aren’t doing what they normally would do. And why do I have this little muffin top over my jeans?
But because of my background and my studies in the human body and and exercise science, I knew that once the the hormones change, and once our reproductive [system] starts slowing down, and you’re not making estrogen and eggs like we in our 20s, it’s other parts of your body that decides that they want to store the fat or where the estrogens coming from.
And that’s usually around in the belly area, your hips and thighs.
I have an E book coming out (I haven’t released it yet), and it’s called Ageless Through the Decades, and it talks about what to expect with each decade.
Because it’s going to change, but with each decade, you’re not you’re not going to think the same as you did in your 30s, your 40s, your 50s, and your 60s.
You’re not going to look the same so you kind of have to get on board and go, “Alright, I gotta make some changes.”
And and they’re going to change physically with your food. For instance, I grew up eating pasta. My family is Swiss Italian. So we we have pasta, pizza, you know, all the the flour stuff, and I can’t eat that now.
When I turned 40, I noticed that my body just wasn’t processing it and, and your gut is your second brain. So things will change in there, and you’ve got to go with the changes.
So your nutrition is going to change.
It used to be that if you were, typically when we’re younger, we’re working out more, we’re moving more, right? We’re always on the go. We couldn’t wait. It’s Friday night, we gotta go. We gotta go out with our friends, right?
Now, it’s Friday night, and I’m looking to say, oh, but how much longer before bed?
We’re not going out and doing those things. So you can’t eat as much as you did when you were younger.
Because one, your metabolism usually slows down as we get older. And that’s the thing that we’ve got to work on. Excuse me. When we when we’re getting older, you’ve got to keep that metabolism up.
So you’ve got to exercise. I mean, it is so important, but how you exercise is going to be different than what you did earlier on.
What I used to do back then I can’t do all of that now and it doesn’t really feel that great to my body. Although I still work out.
I just make little changes here and there and to really listen to my body, I’m more connected to my body now, to understand it and know its needs.
US: So it sounds like you have to figure out what’s working for you. And then also, maybe give yourself a little grace.
TAMILEE WEBB: And I would say like 40 was the start of it. And then at 50 you’re realizing it’s not, it’s not reversing.
I have to go with the flow and and make some some sensible changes and know that to focus on the things that are working for you.
And you kind of have to change. Get a new attitude. And a new attitudes been the hard part for me.
KIM: I’ll just say that because I’m turning 50 this year. Some like this morning, I worked out and there were a few moves in this workout that were reminiscent of Do you remember jazzercise? Ah, there were some moves like that where you did attitudes, and I remember doing jazz, where I was jumping and doing that. And now I’m just like, okay, we’re going to keep this low impact.
TAMILEE WEBB: It doesn’t feel so good. Like, I don’t jog anymore. I don’t I don’t do a lot of high impact jumping, jarring movements. It just doesn’t feel good on my joints.
And one of the reason is, as we get older, you know, our joints, like everything changes. So through our body, we have this synovial fluid, which I like to call our WD40. And if we could sell it like that, oh, boy, we would all feel really so much better.
But the joint doesn’t have the cushion and protection it had in our 20s. So all that pounding is really hard on a body.
Now that doesn’t mean that we still can’t do exercises. So when I, I still teach group classes, and I always give modification so I’ll say okay, if you want to do this jumping jack or this jump, go ahead, if not, here’s how we modified it, modify it, you just alternate a step from side to side. Because not everybody can do everything.
So like the two of you are, you are in my class.
Obviously, Kalee might go, “Yeah, I want to jump!” and in my head (and you like me, Kim) I’m going “Ah, my joints can only do a few of those.”
And so it gives you both the alternative, but you’re still working out.
You’re still in that group class with me and we’re still doing it together. It doesn’t have to be identical, right. And that’s so important to learn.
KIM: Because even now and when I’m just watching a tape, I felt like I had to match this trainer, that trainer so that’s been a learning curve for me is like all right, I don’t have to look perfect. She’s done this for her whole life. That is her job. So I had to give myself grace there. Yeah.
Plus I think I have kind of scared Kalee on the jumping jacks. Because some of the women my age have been doing jumping jacks their entire life. I’m like, “oh, kegel!”
TAMILEE WEBB: Yeah, that’s another reason why we got to keep things really strong. Your abdominals, kegels, and all of that will definitely help.
But yeah, we tend to shame ourselves if we don’t aren’t able to keep up with the others. So one of the things that I talked about in my group classes is there is no shaming here!
Nobody is going to shame anybody if they’re not doing what somebody else is doing.
Oe day a week I teach a class to TABATA, and it’s pretty fast pace.
I encourage everyone to go at their own pace.
This is not about keeping up with the tempo or with the person next to you.
You need to be an honor your body, right?
It’s not about being with everybody buddy else’s and comparing. There’s no competition here.
There should be no shaming when it comes to exercising as we get older.
And if we can’t do it all, then you do what you can do.
US: How does a person know what tempo or pace to go? You always hear “push to your max,” “you’re capable of so much more,” or “your brain is cutting you off! Your body can do more!” How do you know?
TAMILEE WEBB: Usually it’s it is perceived exertion.
I’m always watching whether I’m teaching a class or training people because I do some personalized training as well. And I’m always watching, are they able to talk to me?
So I’m talking to them.
“Hey, how’s it going? Kalee, can you tell me your name?”
Yeah. And she if can barely get that out, then she’s working too hard. And, and a lot of times, I’ll just go up and I’ll just say hey, I need you to back off a little. Just take it back a little. And sometimes when an instructor does that you’re like, Okay, I don’t have to keep up with the rest of that I get to slow down.
So yeah, it’s really listening to your body and, and people like group exercise. I mean, it’s fun. It’s in a class.
If I look back to the way I used to teach (like Kim mentioned 30 years ago), I would teach the using correct form and try to tell you what we’re working at the same time. (which muscle groups), but I also I don’t know if I hollered, but I had a lot more energy. And today when I’m teaching, I don’t Hoot and holler but I’m still talking. I’m still explain what we’re working.
But I found myself not like so high energy, hooting and hollering and taking a few classes like that, and it just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. Right. And I think that’s just because of my age thing now. I just I want to get in I want to enjoy it. I don’t want someone yelling at me. I want to motivate me of course. But I’m not the drill sergeant type of instructor and I don’t like that on me at all.
So everybody has different needs. So if that’s something that you want or need, and you should definitely go for it. Know, who you are.
KIM: This the reason we’ve done Tamilee Webb workouts for 30 years is because you are my soulmate trainer. So thank you.
TAMILEE WEBB: Definitely.
KALEE: I just turned 31 and I would watch people do these boot camps and stuff and like it just looked like it was killing themselves. I was like you’re gonna hurt your back or your knees. You know, like you’re working so hard that you puke. That’s not good.
TAMILEE WEBB: So I think that, you know, if you’re younger that you still have to be mindful of just watching…like what you’re saying. Like, it shouldn’t be something that we wait until we’re 40 or 50 or 60. To learn like, it’s okay to feel okay, doing what makes you feel good. Like, don’t just kill yourself because you feel like that’s what’s going to work like, you can enjoy it.
And I think Kalee, you had been, obviously a good example here, because not all 30 year olds are like that. I remember…I won’t say the club…but it’s a very popular well known club, asked me to teach for them. And I just, I didn’t need any more classes. But I finally broke down and said, Okay, well, I’ll teach one. And I noticed that the young girls would come in and if I didn’t do say 100 burpees within the first 10 to 15 minutes or do something that they that they felt like was killing them, they would leave so crazy and so I remember going to the director and kind of mentioning that.
And she (the director) said, “Well, maybe it isn’t hard enough.” And I said, “Well, you know what, maybe I’m not a right fit for this club. Because it I’ve been I’ve been doing this for 35 plus years, and I’ve never been injured in a class. I’ve never injured anybody in my classes. And and I don’t plan on it now.”
I’m not going to do that just to get young people in there that aren’t going to last very long and that’s, that’s the downside is that a lot of times, today fitness is so accessible, you can get it anywhere, you know, on your phone, your computer, you just look anywhere you can get a million workouts. It’s kind of the reason that I’m not really going and producing new videos. I just do them on my phone. I do it with my Design Your Fit Plans, just keeping it you know, within the little group.
There are people doing things out there that are just not that safe, but unless you know what you’re doing, then you don’t know that.
So if a person looks good, they’re like, well look at their body, they are ripped, they got great abs, they’ve got guns and, and so they must know what they’re doing. And that is not always the case. And the beauty about training women’s, especially your age Kim right now, I’ve got most of my clients are in their 50s in their 60s, I have a couple that are in their 40s and they never come to me and say, I want to be rock hard. You know, I want a bikini body. That is not what they’re saying. They’re saying, you know, I want to I still want to look good, I want to feel good. I want more energy. It’s not about what it was in your 20s in your 30s. It’s not bad, because we know that our body changes and my philosophy has always been fitness is about the inside out.
We could take a look on the inside of your body what would that look like? Because you can take a very thin person and be very unfit. Unzip their body and take a look inside would you go “wow look at that heart looks great,” “look at those muscles are so firm,” and “look at that liver,” but we don’t see that.
We can’t really see that on the outside and that’s why sometimes when you’re quick to judge others catch yourself because not everybody is what they are when you look at them.
I mean, a lot of times. You’re like God, they just look good too, but it’s also in the attitude. What does their skin look like? What is their, you know, their whole attitude? How do how do they carry themselves? You want to be around those people that make you feel good, right?
KALEE: Absolutely. And it has to fit into your lifestyle because I know like you can look like the rock hard abs, but if you’re having to do that and it’s the only thing you ever do, then that’s just torture. Like, you know, you have to live like moderation.
KIM: Yeah. I like to have a slice of pizza every once in a while. So absolutely. I’ll give up my six pack abs. Yeah, going back on what you were saying on the 40, 50, 60 year olds. I think my goal is to look good. But I’ve seen so many people, my parents generation, or even my great grandparents or grandparents, they just live or they exist, I want to live life. I want to stay healthy.
TAMILEE WEBB: but you’re a different generation. So it’s the same with my mom. My mom now is turning 79 and, and it’s just a totally different lifestyle and in although, you know, she kept moving as much as she could. It’s not what we would do. Right. So, like Kalee’s generation they do care. They want to keep moving. They want to look good and feel good.
When it comes down to it, if you ever get in a situation well… your health… your health is health is wealth…you must have that. So in 2017 I broke my ankle. And then in three places I had to have a surgery and wow, I got really depressed because I’m not I’m used to propping up. (I’m usually) “let’s go. I gotta go walk the dog,” “I gotta go do this.”
You just take it for granted that your body is going to get you where you want to go and what you want to do. Just taking a shower was a workout for me, right?I have to push my little scooter in there to sit my you know still and make sure my leg was out. It’s just I I was just like, wow, I just always want to take care of my health.
And taking care of your health is not just your physical body. And and I know it kind of seems like that’s what I was all about. But it really is your, your mental body too. It’s an emotional body. So when people come to me and they have, let’s say they have a lot of weight to lose … that to me is they have a lot of emotional issues that are contributing to that. So you have to find what that is because just working somebody out or putting them on a nutrition plan, it’s a short fix. Because if you don’t fix what the cause of it is, they will eventually go back to it. It’s kind of the what happened on The Biggest Loser…which I heard they’re coming back…now with it is that, you know, these people would go in and yeah, they’re there in a confined area. They’ve got their trainers, the foods that they can eat and, and they would lose the weight and someone’s yelling at them and nine times out of 10 the majority of them were putting all that weight back on if not more, because they hadn’t dealt with their emotions.
KIM: We are big, like personal development. And you know, some of our friends look at us like, oh, you’re reading that. Whoo. But you have to start with your mind first.
KIM: We have talked about the mind. We talked about fitness. So I’m kind of curious, we have two questions in one for you… What do you keep in your refrigerator? And what sort of diet do you do because there’s so many out there and I think people are under the impression I’ve got to eat just this way because Kim does…or… I have to eat just exactly like Tamilee does.
TAMILEE WEBB: Oh yeah, I remember people used to follow me around in the grocery store and see what I was buying. I would just started throwing you know, yeah…
I’ll tell you what’s always in my fridge. I just took a sip. This is my new crush. It’s Top of Chico.
KALEE: I haven’t had it. We haven’t had that one sparkling water.
TAMILEE WEBB: So I love sparkling water. I think it’s the fizziness of it all but I used to drink a lot of Pellegrino but now Top of Chico is my Woo, I just love it. You’ll always find blueberries in my refrigerator, and probably eggs. I always have boiled eggs in there if I need something real quick a protein. No, I’m not a vegetarian. I’m not a vegan. I try and make one of those once, once or twice a week, you know, but I was raised on a farm and when you say which diets it’s not. I would say all of them.
It’s kinda like eating little pieces of each one. I mean, I will look at all of them, try them all. And it’s just like clothing, not one fits every person.
The whole key keto thing, you know, carbs are good for you. You need good carbs, good carbs, and how much you have and when you have them is important. So people that just cut out carbs all together, that it’s going to hurt you in the long run.
So the thing that I usually go by is, I try and eat really clean and healthy during the week, Monday through Friday. If I’ve got something coming up and I know that there’s going to be a sweet, I’ll have it. I am a sweet girl, when I say sweets it is like, cake, cookie.
Like I don’t like sugar candy, right? Like I don’t like candy apples. I like the real stuff.
So if I’m going to have that then one of the things that I do to get myself back into the groove is I will take two or three days and stick to mostly protein, vegetables and a lot of water. So I also, you know, have wine, we grew up having wine with dinner because we’re Italians. And so I was always taught that it was something that goes with food. So there’s sometimes I’ll have that with food, but I don’t drink to get wasted. It’s a part of a meal.
But yeah, I just go protein and vegetables and keep it really clean. And it just gets me right back on track but everybody’s got to find what works for them because it’s not the same for everybody. And I’ve seen people that are vegans and they will start to go heavy starch carbs. So that to me is that would have to be a real challenge.
KALEE: Yeah, I can’t imagine. I like my starches, but they’re not the healthy ones.
TAMILEE WEBB: You said pizza once in a while. It’s fine. It’s all of it is fine. In moderation. But you know when it’s time to Okay, I need to clean it up. And that’s where everybody is usually around January, right? They want to clean it up, right and get back on track and, and so it doesn’t take much but it does take consistency. And I think that’s the one thing that people go Oh, I fell off the wagon. I’m just going to give in. Well, okay, you fell off. You have a leg! Stand back up and jump back on.
Some people need buddy systems, you know, like you guys have a buddy system. And so if you find that you work better having somebody with you because now you got to be accountable. Someone you can’t let them down, you’re there or someone to call upon.
Some of my clients that need a little bit more motivation. I will send them text messages every morning with some some affirmation or something. Or even a video. “Hello, good morning. You’ve got this today. I know you can do it.”
Just little things like that help.
KIM: Yeah, they do. And I think hearing this will help people know that vs “Okay, I’m off the wagon. I’ve got to do keto. Keto is a magic pill. I’ve got to do paleo. That’s the magic.” I think some of those wanting to jump back on are looking for that quick fix.
TAMILEE WEBB: And for some of them, they say, “Oh, I got results with keto.”
Well, Ok, great if you got great results but where you go back on it again and again and again, you need to find that happy medium. Okay, so you go on it, Then why’d you go off of it? So, is it really working if you go off after a couple days in?
It’s just like a job. If you’re working Monday through Friday, you know, do that for your body. I always say take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
KALEE: Absolutely. So if someone’s looking to start getting healthy, maybe they’re, you know, have the 10 pounds or the 50 pounds to lose, what would you recommend them do to like start their Healthy Living journey?
TAMILEE WEBB: Well, so what I do with my clients, if they were coming to me, is we we do a evaluation and assessment, both body and mind, because if they do have more than 40 pounds to lose, then we’ve got a little look at the emotional issues and what’s going on what is it that is triggering that.
And so we try and identify that. But as far as the workout itself, we start out, I start out really easy with them because I don’t want to throw them in, where they go, “Oh my god, I couldn’t move the next day,” or they’re just like, “I can’t do this.”
I want them to enjoy it. So with each workout that I would do with them, I always bring in something new. “We’re going to do this today.” So they don’t go and go with the same old thing. It’s never the same. We keep it interesting.
So if they have problems like with maybe just even getting out and walking, I’ll take them on a hike. If we’re going to do abs, I might start with simple ABS that they could do by just teaching them just to sit up, tuck the pelvis center and like somebody was going to punch you in the stomach. You would contract, and then release and contract and release.
In the car, if you’re in the car, turn on the music, and you can squeeze your butt muscles and your abs. And most songs are three to four minutes. I call this “buttabs.”
I do this when I go on long drives, I will do this for 10 minutes, and oh my gosh, it’s a great little workout to do. It’s not so traditional. But they’re getting something until we can get to the next step or the next level.
And whatever I’m doing with them. I’m constantly watching them and say and asking, “How’s that feel?”
“Where are you feeling it?” Because I want them to talk to me. I want them to communicate. Because I can tell immediately You know how sometimes people will start lifting a weight or something and then because and let’s say let’s do 10 rounds and they get to six and then they start going like this (makes a face) Their form has gone their facial expression. You’re like, “Okay, stop. Let’s stop there.”
And sometimes they’re surprised …”you don’t want me to go to 10?” Well not when you’re going to torque your body to get there. It’s not helping you, you’re going to injure yourself. So I want you to stop now. Right? That’s all we can do today. That’s all we can do.
So when I take them through an assessment, I will have them do like push ups. Most women, lot of my clients can’t even do one pushup. And if they can’t do one pushup, then we do the modification on their knees. But every eight weeks we’ll go back and I’ll retest them, and they are blown away with how much stronger they are. Because women are really weak upper body, they can be really weak.
Now, the last thing I want to do is being at home where I have a life and somebody’s got to help me get up on my Walker. I want to get my own self up.
KALEE: So the strength portion is I feel like huge and something that we really do because you start losing muscle I like 30 Is that right?
TAMILEE WEBB: You’re right. That’s why it’s so important as we as you get older that weight training is in there. Because it’s helping, you know, with everything else the bones and balance. I work a lot with women with just the balance, you’d be surprised. Just simple balance exercise, and, you know, contracting lifting up in their core, but yeah, its strength and the more muscle mass that you have, the more fat that you can burn. Because our bodies while we’re sleeping are, you know, rejuvenating themselves. They’re rebuilding and so the muscles there believe it or not, it’s like, I get really mad when I wake up earlier. And I’m like, No, I want to sleep a couple more hours burn some for fat.
KIM: So I really like how you bring your clients in like nice and slow, because they’ll see results versus doing just one power. Just like the diet, you know, I’m going to kill myself eating nothing but carrots one day, you’re not saying that. Same thing. If you kill yourself on a workout, you’re not going to sustain that. So your design your fit plans, this is the same system.
TAMILEE WEBB: Design Your Fit Plans is a platform. It’s a website, and it’s also an app, but it’s on the platform Kajabi so when you go to do the app, you have to look for Kajabi and then if you’re a member of Design Your Fit Plans, it’ll pop up and you’ll be in there, but it’s where I took a lot of my videos and I edited them down. So it has 10 minute workouts, 15 minute workouts, and 20 minute workouts, and then it has like stretch and some yoga and things like that.
So you can go, I want to do 10 minute abs and then I think I want to do 20 minute cardio. So you just go to 10 minutes, look up abs, and they’re listed by 1-10 instead of this is ABS. So you can, you know, pick and choose. So you can kind of piece it together. But also each month I do a calendar with whatever new videos that I posted. And so when I talk about new videos each month, I usually post maybe three to four videos is that are new, or coming from my old videos, so yeah, some of them are pretty retro, or I I’ve just videotape, you know from my phone, so they’re not high production. Because nowadays, you really don’t have to you’re still going to get a great workout.
So this month I just did a quick little 15 minute HIIT and then I did a butt one with bands, but I did it with cloth bands…not rubber bands… which (cloth) are much much harder because you can activate the high glutes. So you put those on and you sidestep, you external rotate, you lunge back, and it just works everything there to help support the back. So when you take it off, you’re like wow, what I got it off, and it just it feels so good.
No, my clients that sit and work at a computer, I asked them to get up every 45 minutes, and to do some glute work, and just put that band on, do a few, you know, maybe three minutes of sidestep step together step and activates that glute again and kind of support you. Because sitting is the new smoking.
We’re all sitting right now too, but when we’re done (with the podcast). I won’t be sitting.
So with Design Your Fit Plans, I do offer your own personal workout on there. So for an additional fee Design Your Fit Plans is a subscription is $11.99 a month, or you can buy three a month or whatever. And you can you can stop it anytime. There is no like, no you signed up so you have to stay on. You can stop it anytime jump back on.
But if you want your own personalized then what I do is I have a consultation with you either like this on zoom or FaceTime or whatever. And I go over what it is that your goals are and what you’re wanting to accomplish. And from that I put together what the workouts will be and on Design Your Fit Plans, so you would go and do that habit for the month.
And then I just started adding some like little recipes, healthy recipes with one of my friends who’s a holistic nutritionist. We’re going to be doing a challenge soon. I think we’re going to do it I think it’s going to be March because we want to promote it in February and it’s called Flab You Less.
KIM AND KALEE: I love that.
TAMILEE WEBB: So we’ll we’ll be doing posting about that soon. But yeah, Design Your Fit Plans is just a place where I can put all of my videos. I’ll show little snippets on my Facebook or my Instagram page, but I don’t post the whole thing because that’s for my members.
And then we have a private group on Facebook for that, too for those wanting group support. So yes, we have a support group and there’s some really dedicated women and they will get in there and they’ll help each other and they make suggestions. And I’ll say, hey, I need new ideas. What do you want me to do for next month? What workout do you want? 37:44
KIM: I love the idea. Yeah. And I really liked the idea that we could pay a little extra fee which is totally worth it. You get a chance to talk to you and for you to help us design a plan. I have a tendency to avoid working the legs, so it is nice to have you suggest leg workouts along with the arms.
TAMILEE WEBB: We tend to like to work what we like working. We ignore the other. I remember this was years ago, when Kathy Smith, Jenn Miller, Candace Copeland and Carrie Anderson, I were on the cover of Shape magazine. And so before we did the shoot, we all went in to the gym to work out and it was hilarious because Jen and I went directly to the weights. Because we’re the mesomorphs, the other three ectomorphs went directly to the treadmills. So we gravitate to what you like doing, right, but those other things that you don’t like doing that that needs some attention to.
KALEE: so if somebody wants to start Design Your Fit Plans, we will link it on the show notes. But is there a way you want somebody to get in touch with you? Or do they just need to go to the website.
TAMILEE WEBB: If you want to just get in touch with me, they can on on Facebook, on my fitness page or Buns of Steel, you can go in there and just request an appointment or a phone call and that’s how you can get ahold of me. You can also send me a message. I’m pretty good about getting back to everybody. I try and check every day.
That would probably be the best is just send it through Facebook.
KALEE: So you prefer Facebook and then we’ll still link everywhere, and I’ll add your email address in the show notes.
We’ll put the link to Design Your Fit Plan in the show notes to make it really easy for people to find. It sounds really really cool.
TAMILEE WEBB: So yeah, you could try it for a month and if it’s not your thing, you know, you just remove the card and it’s all good.
KIM: thank you again so much for hopping on with us and sharing so many good tips.
TAMILEE WEBB: Anytime girls. And like I said, if anybody has any questions, I do free 15 minutes consultations when I have it allowed in my schedule, so you can do that on my Facebook page. You can just go and schedule it.
Important Links:
Connect With Tamilee Webb
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Morning! I’m about to turn 67 this August, and haven’t experienced much physical activity throughout my life. I did follow one of your exercise videos many years ago, and really enjoyed it, but now I’m needing something for my age and ability.
What do you recommend?
Thanks a bunch!
Hey Roberta! We actually were just the interviewers for Tamilee Webb. We’d recommend reaching out to her at tamilee@designyourfitplans.com or looking at her website https://www.designyourfitplans.com/ for a plan. ๐ She will definitely be able to help!